Precision Medicine: A Health Economics Perspective

Learn about the challenges in precision medicine from the perspective of health economics, discuss the landscape of precision medicine and how current guidelines and regulations needs to be updated and adjusted. Link to the recording is available below!

Date, time: November 10th 2020, 14:00-16:30 CEST


NB. the recording is only from part 1 of the program adressed below.

Stakeholders include health economists, researchers, clinicians, industry and public organizations

Background. Reimbursement of pharmaceuticals is based on cost-effectiveness analysis. These analyses synthesize information from multiple sources, where the efficacy typically is based on information from randomized controlled trials.

The introduction of precision medicine implies several challenges for the recommended framework:

  • Measuring efficacy when randomized controlled trial is not possible 
  • Accounting for uncertainty, when samples sizes are very small 
  • Development of financial incentives and optimal reimbursement systems, for instance considering adaptive partial approval process
The program is adressed below:

Part 1: English

14.00 - 14.05: Welcome

  • Introduction and program
    Eline Aas, University of Oslo
  • The BigMed-project
    Vibeke Binz Vallevik, BigMed and DNV GL

14.05 - 15.00: Keynote

  • Economic Evaluation and Personalized Medicine (HEcoPerMed) 
    Apostolos Tsiachristas, Ass. prof., University of Oxford and HEcoPerMed 

15.00 - 15.50: Pitching research 

  • Framework for precision medicine 
    Lars Asphaug, Oslo Economics
  • Precision and uncertainty in the evaluation of diagnostic algorithms in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
    Lina Gruneau, PhD student, Department of Health, Medicine and Caring Science, Linköping University, PRECISE 
  • Quantifying the consequences of immature trial evidence for informing coverage decisions
    Mathyn Vervaart, PhD student, Department of Health Management and Health Economics, University of Oslo and Norwegian Medicines Agency, PRECISE
  • Cost-Effectiveness analysis of Precision Medicine: The MetAction study
    Monica Gomez, Research assistant, Department of Health Management and Health Economics, University of Oslo and BigMed
  • Planning for the future – INSIGHT
    Eline Aas at Department of Health Management and Health Economics, University of Oslo

Part 2: Norwegian  

15.50 - 16.30: Paneldebatt

  • Utfordringer med hensyn til godkjenning og implementering av presisjonsmedisin
  • Ordstyrer: Ivar Sønbø Kristiansen, Oslo Economics og Professor Emeritus UiO
  • Paneldeltakere: Bjørn Oddvar Strøm, Statens Legemiddelverk, Grethe Foss fra Helsedirektoratet og Petter Foss fra legemiddelfirmaet Novartis, og medlem i LMIs helseøkonomiske utvalg         
Access the recording of part 1 via the link published at the top of this page!

Please, reach out to the contacts listed below if you have any further questions.




University of Oslo - Institute of Informatics, Language Technology


Big Data

Eline Aas

Associate Professor / Researcher, HELED

University of Oslo

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Learn about the challenges in precision medicine from the perspective of health economics, discuss the landscape of precision medicine and how current guidelines and regulations needs to be updated and adjusted. Link to the recording is available here!