BigMed was part of starting up a national network for AI in healthcare with several groups in the healthcare service from all over the country. The network is bottom up driven and the purpose is to share competence and build on each others' experiences. The network is open for anyone who is interested in joining and sharing their work.
The secretariat for the first period of the network (2021) was:
- Finn Henry Hansen, Helse Nord
- Vibeke Binz Vallevik, DNV
- Jan Nygård, Kreftregisteret
- Alexander Lundervold, Høgskulen i Vestfold
- Anne Torill Nordsletta, Nasjonalt Senter for Ehelse-forskning
- Stein Olav Skrøvseth, Nasjonalt Senter for Ehelse-forskning
- Ulf Sigurdsen, Helse Sørøst
The network arranges discussion meetings for members and a seminar relay for competence sharing, in which BigMed had a seminar in October 2020. more info and recordings here