Did you miss the seminar? We would like to give as many as possible a chance to watch the recording from the seminar! Click the link below to view the video.
This seminar includes the development in machine learning applied to text, the opportunities it provides for analysis of medical text in Norway, which again are linked to the needs of clinicians for such tools and relevant ethical and legal issues.
Did you miss the seminar? We would like to give as many as possible a chance to watch the recording from the seminar! Click the link below to view the video.
The program is adressed below! Scroll to the bottom of this page for the PDF.
Recording. Press HERE to view video from the seminar.
Questions? Contact Mari Eide Frey, Project Coordinator, BigMed.
Infection control. We follow the health authorities' advice and have good routines for infection control. Hereunder, the precautionary principle to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We ask you who have symptoms to not attend the event in person. In addition, we encourage everyone to avoid handshakes, adhere to social distancing and effective hand hygiene practices. Hand sanitizers and masks will be available.
Please, reach out to the contacts listed below if you have any further questions.
Akershus University Hospital, University of Oslo - Institute of Informatics, Language Technology
Professor, Language Technology Group Section for Machine Learning,
Dept. of Informatics at the University of Oslo